Pack Ikonic "SafeJump" Belly Girth + Classic Breastplate

Pack Ikonic "SafeJump" Belly Girth + Classic Breastplate



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Get benefit from the advantage pack featuring the Security Belly Girth and the Classic Breastplate

The IKONIC Safejump girth is intended for jumping in total security. Its completely flat surface secures the rider during the jump. It removes any risk for the horse to get his foot caught in the straps of the girth, the martingale or the breastplate. The absence of snap prevents the horse from getting hurt when he hits the stud girth during the jump.

The girth is extended with a tube at the end of which is fixed the breastplate. The attachment point, much higher than with a traditional girth, not only frees the lower part of the girth, but also insures an easy fastening. The rounded shape of the tube allows it to be adjusted on the horse's chest and to follow its shape. It offers no grip for the horse's forelegs.

A leather protection cover has been added at the level of the elastics. This "Elastic Guard" system increases the longevity of the girth and prevents a too rapid wear due to the rubbing of the boots.

The retractable D-ring enables to fix draw reins if necessary. When it is not used, it completely disappears, leaving the surface completely flat.

The breastplate has lateral fixing points that attach to the saddle's girth straps. The top part, larger, padded and equipped with 2 elastics, avoids any pressure on the horse's neck.

The removable martingal attachment prevents the horse from moving its head up.

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